Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Energetic Shielding

Now that everyone has been practicing their grounding technique, the next step in understanding energy work is shielding for protecting yourself from the ungrounded folks walking our planet.

What exactly is shielding you ask? It is a way to visualize keeping your energy with you at all times. It is also a way to keep other people's energy from effecting you and your day. How many times have you talked to a friend because they were depressed? Your focus was so set on cheering your friend up that suddenly you realized that your friend is happy, but now you are the one that feels depressed. Believe it or not, but this can happen in the reverse as well. Its okay. This has happened to all of us at one point in time or another.

The true purpose of Energetically Shielding is to assist you in understanding what "baggage" is your's and what belongs to someone else. I interact with no less than seventy-five people a day. That is a lot of energy to interact with for some folks. However, when I ground and shield, I know I can work through any issues that may arise from one, some, or heaven forbid all of those people.

In order to begin shielding, you must first ground. Take a deep breath and imagine yourself connected to the Earth. Feel the energetic connection from your hips and sink down into the Earth. Take another deep breath. Spend a few moments in this connection.

Now, imagine that Earth energy slowly begin to move up from the Earth and into your body from that grounded connection. As the energy starts to fill into your body, imagine it moving into your feet. Allow it to completely fill up each toe, each arch, each heel. Now fill up your ankles and calves with Earth energy. Take another deep breath as you pull more energy into your knees and thighs. Feel the warm energy fill up your pelvis, lower abdomen and into your stomach. Take a deep breath. Continue to pull the energy into your chest. Allow it to fill up your lungs and your heart, your shoulders and your throat. Now feel it fill up your head.

As it begins to spill outside of your body, imagine the excess Earth energy slowly creating a sphere or bubble around you. If you prefer, you can even imagine yourself surrounded energetically in your favorite car, plane, or spaceship. Use the Earth energy to make your sphere, bubble, car, plane, or spaceship more solid. Try to keep the image transparent. You want to be able to see through your shield. Take a deep breath. Imagine putting some color into your sphere, bubble, car, plane or spaceship. This is your shield.

Put more energy into your shield. Make it the strongest, most transparent image yet. Now examine your shield. Check for areas of weakness. This may show up as holes, rust spots, rips, tears, stains or even cords leading off to who knows where. When you find those areas, and you will, imagine using your hands to smooth more Earth energy over those areas. Feel the energy leave your hands to lay an extra coating of protection along the inside of your shield. This reinforcement assists you in your protection. Take a deep breath.

If you still feel that your weaker areas need more reinforcement, take a snap-shot of a favorite memory, movie, animal, location, or symbol and place it over the area needing more strength. You may feel like embossing, tattooing, painting, or taping that image on your shield. Which ever way you wish to adhere it to your shield is perfect.

Now take another deep breath. Feel the comfort of sitting in your own grounded shield. If you feel someone attempt to get into your energy, quickly dissolve your shield and create a new version of the image. In that new version, change the color just a bit or add a different color to what you have. You may even change the shape of your shield. If you previously surrounded yourself in a bubble, now would be a perfect time to shield yourself in your dream car. Take another deep breath.

By changing your shield, you change your energetic signature. If someone figures out your energetic signature, they can get into your shield. It is much like protecting your home computer from the internet hackers. Change your "passwords" and the hackers can't get into the valuable information on your hard drive. Remember, the more you practice your grounding and shielding, the less likely you are to be drained by others on a day to day basis.

Love & Light,

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