Barbara is a second degree Reiki practitioner. Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses Universal Energy to assist in decreasing stress and increasing relaxation. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If your own internal battery is low on energy, it may be easier for you to become ill with the “office cold”. Increasing your internal battery charge helps you maintain your health throughout your long day.
Spiritual Healing & Balancing:
There are two parts to Spiritual Healing & Balancing. The first is the Chakras; the second is the Aura.
Many times our energetic centers (Chakras) become marred down with the daily routine of our lives. What tends to happen even more often is the muck from those that we love bog us down even further. When these Chakras become too clogged, we begin to see physical manifestations of ailments.
Our Aura surrounds our body as a multilayered bubble. It extends out about a foot from the tips of our fingers when the arms are spread wide as well as a foot above our head and below our feet. These layers link to and correspond with our Chakras. This allows for dialogue between the outside world and the physical/energetic body beneath our skin. Because the Auras link to the Chakras, they can often become clouded with negative energy or porous from energetic drainage. By routinely clearing and balancing the Auras in combination with our Chakras our own body energy flows more easily thereby making our body less prone to common ailments.
Spirit Rescue:
When a person suffers severe mental, emotional or physical trauma they often lose a piece of their spirit/soul in the tragedy. Something as small as an argument or as devastating as a natural disaster can cause a soul to leave behind a piece in order to survive the circumstances. When a person’s spirit is fractured in such a way, it may be hard for them to move passed issues in their life that relate to the tragedy that caused the soul to fracture.
During a Spirit Rescue, the fractured piece is located in the client’s time line. Then Barbara communicates with the split piece to encourage and reassure that the rest of the client is ready to bring home and incorporate the missing piece back into their soul. Many times the intuitive will find more than a few pieces have been split from the client’s soul. In this case, it may take more than one session to locate and help integrate the pieces with the client.
Spirit Rescue can be performed remotely or in person. This may be a very quiet session with the hands above or lightly holding the energy centers of the body.
Galactic Healing:
Galactic Healing takes all of Barbara’s other healing modalities to a larger scale. Countless people “know” they have incarnated on this earthly plain more than a few times. Other clients “know” they have incarnated on other dimensional plains before coming into this life. Due to the nature of life throughout time and space, many clients carry with them, in this life, the wounds of previous lives. Spirit fragments are just as easily left behind in other dimensions as they are in this life. Barbara is able to transcend all directions of space and time to locate the onset of those wounds, redirect the energy to a higher vibration, and bring the client into complete energetic wholeness.
Barbara has been a licensed massage therapist in Oregon since March of 2004
OR License #11011
Massage is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues to enhance the function and promote relaxation and well-being in the body. This is a very hands-on technique that ties the physical body with the mental and emotional wellness of the mind and spirit.
Barbara will cater the massage treatments to each client. Her main focus is bringing the body back into balance by using Swedish, deep tissue, acupressure, stretching and breathing techniques.
Intuitive Massage:
This treatment combines Barbara’s intuitive skills with her massage techniques to more fully connect to the client’s body in order to release deeper holding patterns of stress and pain.