Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Change is in the air...

Lovely beautiful spring time in the Pacific Northwest has brought a lot of change to our lives. If you notice, Healing Spirit Touch now has more information on the Services that Barbara can provide to you. Very soon, we should have some information from Susan as well.

Speaking of Spring and changes, who can forget about Spring Cleaning. Remember, as you clean, open up all your windows and doors. Getting fresh air is vital all year long. However, after a fall and winter season with the home buttoned up, it helps clear any stagnant energy that has been residing in your home.

Much like those pesky dust bunnies, stagnant energy builds up in the corners and dark places of your home. Sweeping those energy dust bunnies out the door can help revitalize your home. I've listed some quick and easy tips to help you clear your home and refresh the energy. This is best done after a general physical cleaning of the home.

1. Open all your windows and doors if you can. Make sure your pets can't run away, but open all the windows that you can. The cross breezes created help carry the stagnant energy out of the home.

2. Burn a favorite candle or incense. For the serious space clearing folks, I've found that Palo Santo wood is great for clearing the energy in the home.

3. Walk around your home with the candle or incense as it burns. Allow the smoke to get into the corners of the room. The smoke purifies the areas.

4. As you walk around with your candle or incense, say to yourself or out loud, "I bless this home with happiness, love and light. I ask that any and all energies in this home that are not here for my highest good to leave and go into the light."

5. Next, allow the candle or incense to naturally burn out in a safe place.

6. After you set the candle or incense to burn on it's own, go back through each room reciting the mantra in #4 as you clap three times up each corner of the room. The noise helps to disperse any heavier energy that the smoke could not.

7. Once you are finished, allow the windows and doors to be open a while longer. No more than 30 minutes is needed; however, some folks have done this clearing in the morning and left the house open all day to enjoy the fresh energy coming into their revitalized home.

Hope this helps your Spring Cleaning endeavors. Love and Light...


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