Teaching massage therapy has certainly opened my eyes to the chaotic energy surrounding us each day. With all the crazy things going on in our world today, I have been finding the need to instruct and practice grounding techniques in the classroom. From those classroom experiences, I have created a grounding routine that should help everyone feel more connected to life, the Universe and everything.
So, what is grounding?
Grounding is the mindful technique of visualizing your connection to the Earth and the Universe/God/Goddess/Allah/Source/Creator/Great Spirit etc. This connection allows anyone the opportunity to flow with the natural positive energies of the Earth and the Universe.
Why is grounding important?
Grounding for people is just like grounding electrical equipment. At our very core, our bodies are made up of atoms. Atoms are held together by energy. When we are not grounded, our energy is left to affect others. Imagine if you will a radio plugged into an electrical outlet. The cord is frayed and wires are exposed. What happens if you touch those exposed wires? You get electrocuted. Granted the voltage from an electrical outlet is a lot more intense than that held in the human body, but I think you can see the correlation.
So, how does one become grounded?
The steps to grounding utilize the mind's imagination. If you can visualize the following steps, then by the end you will be grounded. As you practice the grounding process, it will become easier. Soon you will find yourself grounded more often than not.
The following steps should be performed in a place where you feel comfortable and where you will not be interrupted for a few minutes.
1. Place yourself in a comfortable seated position. You are welcome to play some soft music in the background or sit in the quiet of your space.
2. Take a deep relaxing breath and close your eyes. As you visualize this process, you will need to continue to take deep relaxing breaths. An easy pace to remember, slowly breath in to the count of four (4), hold your breath for the count of two (2), then slowly release your breath to the count of four (4), pause to the count of two (2), then begin the cycle again.
3. Once you have established your rhythm of breathing, visualize your body relaxing part by part starting at your head.
Feel your hair relax, your forehead relax, your ears relax, your eyes relax, your nose relax, your mouth relax. Now feel your neck and shoulders relax, your upper back relax, your chest relax, your upper arms relax. Feel your lower back relax, your abdomen relax, your forearms, your wrists and your hands and fingers relax. Feel your pelvis relax, focus on the area between your pubic bone and your tail bone. Allow this area to relax more deeply. Take time to spend one or two cycles of breath here. Now feel your buttocks relax, your thighs relax, your knees relax. Feel your lower legs, ankles, feet and toes relax.
4. Now that you have relaxed your body and have patterned your breathing to continue this relaxed state, bring your focus to that area between your pubic bone and your tail bone. Spend a few cycles of breath focusing on this place.
5. When you feel ready, imagine a large beam of light, as wide as your hips, is coming from this area. It is focused down into the Earth. Imagine the beam going through the floor, down through the ground, down through the gravel, the rock, and into the hot molten core of the Earth.
6. Spend several cycles of breath expanding your light beam into the core of the Earth. Make the beam stronger, more solid, more bright with each cycle of breath.
Congratulations! You are now successfully grounded to the Earth.
In our next installment, we will talk about protection and shielding work to help keep your energy where it belongs... With you!
Love and Light,
Healing Spirit Touch