I'm a massage therapist by trade and a manager of a college massage program by choice. I've been working as a massage therapist for seven years, teaching for three and a half years and managing for three years. It has been a great adventure teaching folks about the fundamentals of massage therapy. Lately though, I've been feeling the pull to do something "more" with my work.
Massage therapy is a very hands on and energetic business. A massage therapist has to understand the energies involved in touching people every day. One of the things that I have found as I have been teaching, is that a lot of students don't understand the dynamic that is involved in peoples' energies. I'm not just talking about a client coming in who has had a bad day and that energy rubs off on the therapist. I'm talking about the deeper aspect of our work.
Many clients go to see a specific therapist because they feel comfortable, or just get a good vibe off of that therapist. Not every client is going to be comfortable with every therapist. We all give off our own vibe. That good vibe, harmonious energetic allows a client to feel comfortable to open up for true healing. But what can a massage therapist or other healer do to help these clients on a true healing level?
Healing Spirit Touch was created to be a space for therapists and other healers to come for education and training on the deeper energetics of healing the human body from a more holistic point of view.
In April, we plan on offering a beginning level energy class for folks in Portland, OR. If you are interested or have questions, feel free to email us at healingspirittouch@gmail.com or leave a comment here.
Barbara Pickle, LMT
Healing Spirit Touch