Sunday, April 18, 2010

Forever Grateful!

I wanted to take a moment to thank Renee and all of my classmates for making a wonderful Angelic Healing class all it could be and more. I cannot begin to express in words how wonderful it feels to have like minded spiritual folks to work with. It was a great pleasure.

I'm here if you need help, advice, or a good laugh. Check out the links, I've put up as many as I could think of.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Energy Class has been pushed out to May!

Hello Folks,

I wanted to let everyone know that Susan and I are pushing out the Energy 101 class to May. We are looking at the 15th as a tentative date. Too many things came up for us to put it all together for this month. Please check back in a week or so. We'll post information on how to sign up and where we will be holding the class.

Thank you and remember to breathe!

Barb & Susan
Healing Spirit Touch

Some Astrological Insights for Spring and Summer of 2010

Currently there are some intense astrological aspects going on. I thought some of you would appreciate having a little insight, especially as mass consciousness is going to be a wee bit crazy for the next 6 months.

There is a transiting aspect between Saturn and Uranus that is having an intense impact on our world. For those of you who don't know much about astrology, that information means nothing to you. Let's see if I can break this down in a way that is a little more understandable...

Each planet represents a different energetic dynamic. Saturn represents security, building foundations and solid structures. As well as manifesting in the physical world. Uranus represents awakening to the bigger picture (usually with a humanitarian bent). Uranus energy is sudden and explosive and has a tendency to come out of nowhere. (Imagine a tornado or a tidal wave.) It is extremely powerful.

When these two energies meet, structures get blown away. Sometimes that is very good. Some structures are not built on firm foundations. Some structures are worn and dated and need to be renovated or remodeled, or frankly demolished and completely rebuilt. The process of those structures being blown away can be very devastating and disorienting for those who have relied upon them. (When referring to structures: This can be from our mental and emotional paradigms, the systems we have in place, internal structures as well as external structures. It doesn't necessarily mean your home is going to fall down around you.)

Since October 2007 these 2 planets (Saturn and Uranus) have been having a conversation....actually it has been more of an argument. What it has felt like to most of us is that our security has been blown away and that we've been unable to find our footing. Structures that we were able to rely on are not available. Yes, we are being freed from the old but we are not feeling solid and secure and that makes a lot of people fearful.

These 2 planets had a big argument the end of Sept. 2008 through the end of March 2009. Then they stepped away from each other for a little bit. They came back for round two, mid August 2009 through the end of October 2009. They are now up for round three. The intensity is building and we will feel the full impact again starting April 23, 2010. This aspect will remain with intensity through August, with another full impact July 22, 2010 thru early Aug. 2010. Things will begin to settle down as the fall progresses. By Spring 2011 we will be able to start building on solid ground again. Yeah! Yeah! Oh, Yeah!

If your birthday falls on (or close to):
March 18th - 27th
June 19th - 28th
Sept. 21st - 29th
Dec. 19th - 27th
This aspect is going to feel very personal to you!!!

Navigating this time. The more you resist change during this time, the more you are going to get tossed against the rocks. It is a time to be open to new opportunities and look in the direction you want to be going. And most importantly, accept that this is a time of upheaval. The good news is this too shall pass.
Optimistically, you can look at this time as when structures that are old, stuck and flawed will be shattered. A time when people have to consciously look at what safety and security really mean to them. Where is it found? Is it a specific amount in a bank account? Is it the ability to change and adapt what we do and who we are, depending on the circumstances? (Makes me think of the book "Who Moved My Cheese" by Dr. Spencer Johnson.) Overall, it is shaking people out of their comfort zones and hopefully waking them up to being more conscious.

Personally this transit has "inspired" me (sounds so much better than "forced") to make meditating and centering a priority in my life again. When I am able to be fully in the present moment and appreciate what I have in that moment, I am able to feel good. More importantly, when I am clear and in the present moment I am connected to my intuition and have a better sense of direction and how to navigate this challenging time.

More on Saturn: Saturn represents the energy that wants to create structure. In order to manifest something out of chaos, energy has to be organized and there needs to be a system or pattern. When this energy is in balance it manifests as: safety and security, tangible results through disciplined effort, acceptance of duties & responsibilities, patience, reliability and represents authority and tradition. When it is out of balance it manifests as: rigidity, coldness, defensiveness, wanting to control out of fear or insecurity. It looks a lot like Scrooge.

More on Uranus: Uranus represents the energy that wants the freedom to be original, independent and have excitement. When this energy is in balance it manifests as: the ability to break out of old patterns that are no longer useful, inventiveness, freedom of expression and humanitarian efforts. When it is out of balance it manifests as: extremism, purposeless change or rebellion, constant need for excitement and disruptive activities.

Keeping it in perspective - Historically this aspect has happened on a regular basis and was in effect during the World wars, the Depression, the Korean and Vietnam wars.

Final note: In September 2004 Grenada was devastated by hurricane Ivan. After the storm their motto was to "build it back better". That is a good focus for these times.

Thanks for reading,
Susan Lynch